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March 25, 2005
Ear Plugs
Oh no. Dude. Hollister Fracus. They TOTALLY rocked my ass off last night. What? They did. The bad news is that I think they also rocked one of my eardrums loose.....erm, um....whatever happens when you lose part of your hearing. I'm confident that it will come back though because this has happened before [See Pantera/Sepultura/Prong, '94] - that time it seemed to come back about a week later. But now, since this is the same ear, I'm thinking maybe there was some lingering damage there. Crap.
That is it! I am going ear plug shopping today. Hopefully it is not too late. Where is my badass award for going without for so long? Obviously I thought I was up for this award or why else would I have been doing this? I ask you, please discuss.
And "because you're stupid" is not a permissable response, as that is a given....there must be more to it than that.
Happy Birthday yesterday Devon!
Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at March 25, 2005 11:49 AM
What? I'm sorry... did you say something?
Posted by: Mr. Tinnitus at April 10, 2005 04:00 PM
Hey Jamie, it was very nice to meet you at Sherlock's! Thanks for the props to the band. Hope you're hearing has made it back to normal by now :) If not, you should make Dan buy you one of those old fashioned ear trumpets - you might even start a new fashion statement with it!
Posted by: Aerik w/Hollister Fracus at April 13, 2005 12:21 PM