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January 03, 2006

Dos Mil Seis

I took the kids to see Narnia today. It was mega-good. All three of us thoroughly enjoyed it. I am so glad we went. I wasn't that excited about going to see it before we went, but my 5 year old kept asking to go and I knew that my 10 year old was reading it at school and wanted to go, so I thought it would be fun for them. But man!! I loved it too! Good stuff Maynard.

So I just checked the weather site and am now considering taking a leave of absence to a wintry location. If we are not going to get to have winter here at home, I guess we'll have to go to winter. Winter and fall are very much anticipated by me each year - I could go years without a spring or summer, just please let me have fall and winter. Must be my Pennsylvania roots showing...
As it currently stands, what is going on now can scarcely even pass for fall-like weather and is certainly no winter. Yes. I know I live in Texas. I don't care. I want to wear my sweaters and turn off the a/c. Without sweating.

Ok, enough whining for 2006 already, which reminds me ... happy new year everyone! =)

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at January 3, 2006 12:15 AM


We also went and saw Narnia yesterday. I didn't want to either, but it was really good.

Posted by: nuje at January 3, 2006 09:12 AM

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