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January 10, 2006

Firefox Fun

I've been spending some time today on the Mozilla site - hanging out there is always a good time, imho. Anyway, I found some things that really must be mentioned:

1. WHY am I just now seeing this for the first time?? I know so many people I'd like to give this to - think of all of the new best friends I could have :)

2. There is no debating, I simply must do this. Really, is there anything in this world that screams my name more loudly than this contest? I think not.

Oh, and I am two steps closer to actually purchasing this shirt - I don't know why it is taking me so long. I think it might have something to do with this though.

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at January 10, 2006 10:36 AM


The month of no new H*R was killing me. I'm glad to see it's back.

Posted by: nuje at January 10, 2006 02:55 PM

Homestar Runner is something I just forgot about. I should check back on that and watch some funnies again.

Oh wait, I forgot, thats for people who have time.

Posted by: Nino at January 10, 2006 11:17 PM

No. You don't really have to have time per se, you can just be a very poor manager of time like me!! So what if there are no groceries in the fridge, there is ALWAYS time for some Homestaw Wunnewwww.....


Posted by: Jamie at January 10, 2006 11:24 PM

Jamie, the uber geek! ;) i think microsoft should switch to firefox. that would solve a lot of problems. :)

Posted by: adam at January 27, 2006 04:16 PM

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