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February 02, 2006

3 More Hardly Related Things

I am expecting to become more organized today. Although the actual time this event takes place is at the mercy of UPS. The disorganization has gotten grossly out of hand around here pretty much since we moved to Nova Lair. I could elaborate on why and bore you with the struggles that exist in my life, but that really doesn't sound like much fun. So I won't. The bottom line is this: either I get my shit together STAT or everybody dies. Simple as that.

It is all up to you Z22 ... don't let me down!
I know my techie friends are going to be rolling their eyes at my sad little excuse for a PDA, but I don't care. Although I am a fan of technology and techie people, I myself have never really had the means to be much of a collector. I've never even owned a laptop. I've been boasting about the day I am going to buy my first Mac for like 5 years now. Will it ever happen? Who knows? Maybe the Z22 does. Oooo ... I think she needs a name ...

This is cool. How can you NOT love a guy like that?!?!

Have you had your protein today??

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at February 2, 2006 11:51 PM


Buy a Mac. From me. I'll help ya out! DO IT YOU WUSS. ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE(nt) DOING IT. Windoze sucks!!

Posted by: Nino at February 10, 2006 01:43 PM