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February 22, 2006

Magic Bracelets

I've decided I want to purchase a wristband*. The earlier, the cheaper. An unofficial, but pretty reliable SxSW source said that they received a few reports that wristbands are going on sale tomorrow. In Austin. At Waterloo, I think. The bad news is that I have zero possibility of being in Austin tomorrow morning.
I think that some people with badges can buy wristbands (although I am not sure when), too.
I'm waiting to get official word via SMS text message, but so far I haven't heard a peep.

<not begging, really>
If you are reading this and you think you might be able to help me or might have some helpful info for me, I'd appreciate it. And I will owe you.
...all of the Fluffy Puff Marshmallows you can handle (with your tall glass of melonade).</not begging, really> No really, I'll owe you.
Hey, that reminds me, I'll be sharing pics of my kick-awesome Homestar swag soon!

* SxSW sells wristbands so that the people that are not able to purchase badges are still able to catch most of the live music without having to pay cover every time. Although it must be said that a wristband does not really guarantee anything. Just think of it is a really expensive way to look kinda hip in Austin on those 5 special days ... and maybe also get into a few shows for free :P

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at February 22, 2006 07:20 PM


Ugh. I love how I don't even GET the text message. Apparently other people did: http://www.donewaiting.com/sxsw/archives/2006/02/reports_from_th.php#comments

Nice. I've only be *glued* to my stupid cell phone. Knowing Sprint I'll probably get the message tomorrow after work. Or possibly next Tuesday. Ugh.

Not that it matters anyway - it is not like I could have done anything about it, but still ...

Posted by: Jamie at February 23, 2006 12:36 PM

HSR's FPM is more LOL than SXSW and SMS TXT. It was the LOL of my dreams!

Posted by: adam w. at February 25, 2006 06:45 PM


Tequila on Saturday's now?? Holy geeez. That is three days in a row. _Every _week, even. I am starting to fear for the Sumner CMS... ::shudder::
tee-hee-hee :)

Okay. So I found out they only like to notify Austin residents about the wristbands. Now I know why I wasn't getting any text messages. I guess there is something kinda cool about that ... despite the fact that I am on the losing end of that arrangement.

Anyway, I think the wristband quest has been solved. Let's hope ... T-minus 14 days! w00ty!!

Posted by: Jamie at March 1, 2006 05:39 PM