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April 24, 2006

Make the bad typing go away, Mommy.

There are very few things in this world that are hotter than this.

...very, very few. Which is more evidence still of why I will always be single. Both Brothers Chaps? Married, of course.

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at April 24, 2006 09:17 PM


I don't know what is wrong with you people. Or maybe I should take the silence as an indicator that you can only gaze at the perfection of this gorgeous screen cap whilst getting mentally swept away at the thought of actually playing such a hot game.

Whatever. I'll have you know that I can't even bring myself to blog over this. I actually would like to blog, but I can't fathom the thought of having this entry moved from the top of my page ...


Maybe I should add it to the index template!! Then it would be there forever! Oooo...

I need to figure out how to download this to my PDA ... and then hope that along with the download comes *lots of free time*. That would be rad.

Or maybe I just need a vacation.

Posted by: Jamie at April 27, 2006 12:24 AM

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