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April 07, 2006

Pandora's Jukebox

Holy crap! This sounds promising. Pandora.com is a site for making cool personalized radio stations that are suited to your tastes. It is ONLY about music and not at all about what is popular or cool or overmarketed. Please read the article or try it as I know I am not explaining it very well.

I haven't tried it yet, but I am looking forward to doing so. Let's just hope that it is destined for much better things than being the "MySpace.com of music" - I thought MySpace.com was the MySpace.com of music anyway ... no? You mean people use MySpace for other reasons? Interesting.

Anyway, enough about the cyber-crack - if you try Pandora out, let me know what you think!!

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at April 7, 2006 08:31 AM


I've used Pandora for quite a few months now and I can tell you it is the shizz. I've found a lot of really cool bands through there. As it grows and adds more songs, not doubt it will get even better.

Posted by: Jeff at April 7, 2006 10:15 AM

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