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May 12, 2006
Friday Five
Okay, I am determined to get this up before Friday is completely over.
Time once again for me to pay homage to the now 2 years defunct Friday Five. I'll ask 5 questions and put my responses after them and then you are supposed to copy and paste the questions but change the answers to your own answers in my comments section. Good fun, yes?? No, that wasn't the first question.
Here we go.
1. If you didn't have a computer, what would you be doing right at this very second instead of reading this blog entry?
Hmmm. I guess if I didn't have a computer, right now at this very moment, I'd be wondering why I am sitting in the office, facing the wall, holding my arms approximately waist high and tapping my fingers in various, seemingly random patterns about 1 inch above the surface of my desk.
2. If I gave you a raw stalk of asparagus and a jar of Manic Panic hair dye, what would you do with them?
Oh, easy. Eat the raw asparagus stalk (is that unhealthy? even if it is, it's good) and put the jar of Manic Panic in the linen closet. It's not really my shade, but I may wish to use it at a later date. Can I have some more asparagus?
3. What is your favorite board game?
Scrabble. I haven't played a good game of Scrabble in SO long. That is on the ever growing list of Things That Are Not So Much Fun To Do By Yourself. ::siiiigh:: [insert woe-is-me-drama-queen-pose.gif, complete with back of hand resting against forehead]
4. If you were going to be a voice actor, what pseudonym would you choose for yourself?
What? Are you high? Okay, whatever ... how about Penelope Chatsome?
5. Since we are all just sub-atomic particles in some Gargantuanly Larger Civilization's molecules, what GLC everyday object do you like to believe we are all a part of?
It is definitely a musical instrument of some sort. I'm thinking we are floating around in what is the GLC equivalent of a bass guitar string. I say "equivalent" because although it has the same function and composition, it has a freaky name because of them having a whole different language and all. No, this is not my interpretation of String Theory, this is what I really think is going on. Out there. Way out there. We are on a bass. Prove me wrong.
Your turn!!
Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at May 12, 2006 08:29 AM
Oh, this is fun.
1. If you didn't have a computer, what would you be doing right at this very second instead of reading this blog entry?
Sleeping most likely since it is 2:45am and I've been editing photos for 2 hours.
2. If I gave you a raw stalk of asparagus and a jar of Manic Panic hair dye, what would you do with them?
I'd throw the asparagus in the yard for fertilizer and I'd give the hair dye to some cool punk chick who would totally dig me for it.
3. What is your favorite board game?
Trivial Pursuit - I'm a freak on the 90's edition.
4. If you were going to be a voice actor, what pseudonym would you choose for yourself?
Johnny Speaksalot
5. Since we are all just sub-atomic particles in some Gargantuanly Larger Civilization's molecules, what GLC everyday object do you like to believe we are all a part of?
It's way too late for me to answer a question like that. If I do, I'll be up too much longer thinking about the "meaning of it all" when I really just want to dream about relaxation and Jessica Alba.
Posted by: Jeff at May 13, 2006 02:46 AM
1. If you didn't have a computer, what would you be doing right at this very second instead of reading this blog entry?
-Hanging out w/ my kid. Thank goodness for computers.
2. If I gave you a raw stalk of asparagus and a jar of Manic Panic hair dye, what would you do with them?
-Trade the asparagus for some meat. Dye something.
3. What is your favorite board game?
-Playing strip Uno was wicked fun in the early days of my marriage.
4. If you were going to be a voice actor, what pseudonym would you choose for yourself?
-Sir Pissington
5. Since we are all just sub-atomic particles in some Gargantuanly Larger Civilization's molecules, what GLC everyday object do you like to believe we are all a part of?
-Neil Peart's stick bag.
Posted by: nuje at May 15, 2006 09:18 AM
Jeff - asparagus would fertilize the yard? See? I didn't know that. I knew I'd get some good ideas from this. Ok, you can answer #5 later. How's Jessica?
Nuje - ahem, "strip Uno", eh?? ..."wicked fun"? You are hysterical. And apparently not aware that Uno is a card game and does not even have a board. However, I am pleased that I was able to provide you with this avenue to share your freakdom. :) :)
Posted by: Jamie at May 15, 2006 01:29 PM
What is Friday Five?
Posted by: Nino at May 16, 2006 11:21 PM
It is five questions that I make up and ask in my blog ... on Friday. But it wasn't an original idea which is why I provided links to the original FF that gave me the idea. But hers was MUCH more popular.
...wait a minute, was that a trick question? You didn't give your answers. 5 questions. 5 answers. Go Nino! :)
Posted by: Jamie at May 16, 2006 11:51 PM