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June 14, 2006


I finally got an iTunes account. What with Cactus closing last March it was bound to happen sooner or later. It happened.

Anyone want to guess what my first purchase was?????

The winner will win something extra cool. Or maybe even something really groovy.

Okay, a small hint: It was an entire album and what prompted me to get it was one song that my mom told me my father used to love a very long time ago. I've heard it a few times and I really like it too, so I bought it and I'm thinking it might make a nice Father's Day gift. And I even get to color the liner notes myself (think iTunes) just like the things I gave him for Father's Day when I was a little girl. Happiness!

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at June 14, 2006 06:07 PM


Puff the Magic Dragon!

I win!

Posted by: The Future Mrs. Potential Ambiguous Drug Reference at June 14, 2006 11:01 PM


Posted by: Jamie at June 15, 2006 01:40 AM

The Lion Sleeps Tonight!

I win!

Posted by: The Future Mrs. Weema-weh at June 15, 2006 02:05 AM


Posted by: Jamie at June 15, 2006 08:09 AM

Send in the Clowns!

I win!

Posted by: The Future Mrs. Krusty and Sideshow Mel Version, Please at June 15, 2006 10:16 AM

You are really bad at this!

Posted by: Jamie at June 15, 2006 10:18 AM

Posted by: The Future Mrs. Dass durch ein hohes Gunstgeschicke at June 15, 2006 10:38 AM

Oh. So close!!

Posted by: Jamie at June 15, 2006 10:42 AM

Roosters and Pants?

Posted by: nuje at June 15, 2006 03:29 PM


Posted by: Jamie at June 15, 2006 03:33 PM

Okay, you can have another hint - I can tell you are ALL obviously dying to get to the bottom of this. (

HINT: My Pandora. And then I will have to tell you the story.

Posted by: Jamie at June 16, 2006 08:20 AM

Steely Dan!

(Psst. I'm blogging again! I'm giddy!)

Posted by: Natalie at June 16, 2006 08:26 AM

Finally a good guess, but sadly no, Natalie. No Extra Cool for you. :)

Okay, fine. I'll tell you. It was The Hollies. Their Greatest Hits.

Dad loves Bus Stop - or he did, we'll find out what he thinks about it now.

It was really odd though because I was listening to my Pandora "Gewd Stuff" channel which features, you know ... Scofield, Charlie Hunter Trio, MMW, OM Trio, Bad Plus, etc...
And if any of you have used Pandora you know that for the most part it does a really good job of finding more music like the music you say you like. It is almost always right on with me, and when it isn't it is only a little off center. Well the other day in the midst of all of the cool jazzy stuff, Bus Stop comes on! It SO doesn't fit.

There are only three songs in the world that I know of that my father has ever claimed to really like, and I knew that was one of them. So I took it as a sign and bought the whole CD.

No, I *don't* think I read too much into things. What are you trying to say?

Posted by: Jamie at June 16, 2006 01:29 PM

The Hollies? We were supposed to guess The Hollies? As if.

I'm taking Ganymede anyway, so there.

Posted by: The Future Mrs. Jovian Satellite at June 17, 2006 02:26 PM

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