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June 02, 2006

Lunch Time Orange

Today while at the grocery store purchasing my lunch items, I noticed that everything I put in my basket was orange in color. I didn't plan this, honest. I am not sure what's going on, but it seems kind of odd to me. I saw mini-carrots, got those ... saw my favorite dried apricots, got some of those ... then I knew I needed some *protein* so I went and picked up some monterrey jack/cheddar marbled cheese rectangles, (you know, the little single serving size dealies). And although I rarely drink soda anymore, every now and then I like to have an orange soda. Today was one of those days.

Oddly enough I didn't not buy any oranges or orange-like fruit.

Jeff, does this mean your band is playing tonight?? Man, you've got that subliminal messaging thing down! Great job, but kind of scary too. :P

. .. m m m m . . . . . o o o r a n g e     s t u f f f f . . . . .

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at June 2, 2006 01:36 PM


Next (orange is in) Saturday, but (orange is in) I'm offended (orange is in) at the (orange is in) implication that we (orange is in) might somehow be (orange is in) putting subliminal (orange is in) messages out there. That is (orange is in) just (orange is in) preposterous.



Posted by: Jeff at June 2, 2006 03:09 PM

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