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June 06, 2006

Outstanding Music 3


The only unfortunate thing about that OM Trio review is that it had to be written mainly about their cover tunes rather than their original stuff. I haven't stopped listening to globalpositioningrecord since I received it in the mail last Friday. (Yeah, yeah, so I'm late, what else is new?) Brian Glick is my hero (OM Trio manager and sender of the CD).

In case you aren't clear on this, I am saying that I love this band.
I picked that review because I loved it, it was full of the emotion that their music makes me feel - I just don't stumble across writing that does that very often. Not that I was intentionally reading reviews, I don't usually do that, I just happened upon this and thought I should blog about it since I haven't been able to shut up about them since Friday (as a few of you already know).

...Maybe all of that driving and jamming caused me to overbond a little with the CD - I guess I *could* have taken it out and listened to something else during my 850 mile trek across Texas last weekend, but I didn't. So um, yeah, keep that in mind and be kind ... :)

Yes, I have many other things to blog about as well and I'm sure I will in time. Just not today. So go and do a crossword puzzle already.

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at June 6, 2006 01:07 PM


Take some time and read the road journal on their web site. They wrote some funny stuff.

Stupid broken up.

Posted by: nuje at June 6, 2006 04:09 PM

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