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June 21, 2006


Everyone should be going to the RadioMike Festival this Saturday in Austin ... because I am. Southern Backtones, Glenna Bell, Maggie Walters and so many more - if you can go to this and you don't, well ... you are just painfully lame as far as I can tell. So take that.

But really that is not entirely necessary, because if you are in Houston and you want to be extremely cool, you should be going to see Nuje Improv Trio at Super Happy Fun Land on Saturday night. Because it is going to be Amazingly Radtacular In The Highest. I wish I could be in two places at once. I may attempt that.

Also earlier that day you should be in the Woodlands checking out what Mr. Dan has going on at the ginormous Apple store up there. Don't forget to buy me a laptop while you are there. I mean, I'll probably be there too, but what are you, crazy? I can't afford that!!

Happy Summer Solstice!

Pearls of "wisdom" by Jamie at June 21, 2006 11:38 AM


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